BTC - Wrażenia z programu Study and Work Canada

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Program WORK AND STUDY CANADA umożliwia podjęcie kursu języka angielskiego oraz odpłatnej pracy/praktyki w branży turystycznej i hotelarskiej na terenie Kanady. To właśnie Business Travel Club, we współpracy z ENGLISH BAY COLLEGE oferuje Wam niezastąpioną okazję do rozwinięcia umiejętności lingwistycznych oraz podniesienia kwalifikacji zawodowych.

Co roku ponad 150 000 zagranicznych studentów przyjeżdża do Kanady aby uczyć się, studiować lub pracować w tym malowniczym kraju.

Program WORK AND STUDY CANADA, to niepowtarzalna okazja do głębszego poznania Vancouver, w którym Uczestnicy spędzają czas podczas trwania nauki, a także pięknych zakątków Kanady, do których wysyła szkoła EBC w celu odbycia praktyk zawodowych.

Przeczytajcie co inni mówią o swoim wyjazdach i doświadczeniach. Tylko tego typu programy mogą poszerzyć Wasze horyzonty i wzbogacić przeżycia! Wy też możecie dołączyć do grona młodych, ambitnych i żądnych poznawania świata!

Poniżej wypowiedź jednego z uczestników tego programu , który ta przygodę ma już za sobą. Zapoznaj się z opinią na temat Programu Work and Study Canada. Poznaj jego wrażenia i zadecyduj , być może Kanada czeka właśnie na Ciebie!

1. What were your goals, what were you hoping to achieve by taking this particular work and study program.

Well, by taking this particular work & study program at EBC I was hoping to achieve goals such as either improvement my English language skills or an opportunity to be involved in working for Olympics which has been my dream since ever. Moreover, as a person who is passionate about being alive under all circumstances I was also hoping to meet some new friends from countries all around the world and explore new interesting places. I keep it pretty much simple:-)

2. How did you experience the study time at EBC Vancouver campus?

I found study time at EBC like a very pleasant experience which help me a lot in any way. I was satisfied to a high degree with approach of all teachers who have taught me much useful stuff. The stuff that I'm able to use in everyday life among folks:-)

3. How did the placement process go?

Whereas in November 2009 I was a bit concerned about my placement, at present I'm happy for not finding a placement for me at that point. Only because of that unpredictable situation I was given a chance to work for Aramark directly at the heart of Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games. Having opportunity to work over there is once in-a-life experience, I must say:-) I would like you to thank Hilda for delivering me this amazing opportunity!!!:-)

4. What is the end result, how do you feel about the program now?

I feel great about everything related to my program here in Canada. I am happy that I have been keeping in touch with American English since I arrived in Vancouver which btw. enlarged my knowledge a lot. Besides, I loved to work at Canada Hockey Place where I once again proved how determined and hardworking a simple guy who does not give a shit might be. Catering department has loved my attitudes and approach to both customers & others around me I had during whole period of working. As proof of my allegation might be “7 gold medals” that I was given for my attitudes. More importantly, I was told not only by my supervisors, but also managers I brought some fresh air to catering department which has been missing there for a while.

5. Did this program meet your goals (that you set at the beginning)?

No, this program did not meet my goals in any way. The truth is the program has exceeded my expectations so far beyond my horizons I would never think about before. And, I am so grateful for that!:-)

6. Then lastly, but most importantly, What do you wish somebody would have told you before……it happened?

I would wish them only well. If they had told me I experience something like this, I wouldn't have believed that at all. On the other side, I also believe if there is a commitment inside of you, moreover, you are full of enthusiasm towards everything you do, you can prove whatever you want in your life. I feel like my life is zooming still more and more:-)

English Bay College oferuje program w dwóch wersjach- SILVER i GOLD. Ponadto w ofercie Mamy program Work and Travel Canada, który umożliwia wyjazd do 12 miesięcy- tylko praca i podróże !

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ostatnia zmiana: 2010-03-16
Polityka Prywatności